Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Dragon is Waking

I have never studied draconian magick before.  Oh, well, of course there was that one time..... but I had never really studied it before.  However, as my dreams have recently been telling me that this is the time for doing so, I have begun in earnest.

Recently I ran across a book about Norse Draconian Magick.  I was terribly excited by this, as it falls in line with my current studies and dedication to the Norse Gods.  Having only gotten about 1/3 of the way through the studies, you can take my criticisms as you will, but I am not certain that I completely jive with this fellow's ideas.  He is definitely very educated on the subject, but he is a dude, writing from that perspective.  We women approach the world and the creatures within it in an entirely different manner.

The author of the book identifies two primary Norse deities that are associated with this form of magick.  They are Odin and Freya.  Having worked very closely with Freya, and really feeling tied to her in particular, I feel that my understanding of her is different than his.  I do not attribute that to error, but more just the difference between male and female understanding, approach, etc.

I have not given up on this book; it is chock full of useful and well thought out information.  The author is definitely well practiced also.  I will continue to follow this path, but I shall trust my own intuition and look to my teacher, Freya, to fill in where I see blanks.


  1. It's funny how you naturally work closely with Freya. Since we've begun down this Path, I feel a natural affinity with Odin. (Freya has felt distant.)

    (I suppose it shouldn't be that surprising to me since I'm working through a pretty heavy Death vibration right now and him being the God of the Slain.)

    I can't wait to get a look at this book of yours!

  2. You will definitely have to take a look at this book. I have to say I really am enjoying it, even if my post appears to focus on the negative aspects. I am not trying to portray it as such, only share where my own understandings differ.

    It is interesting and thought provoking the author's take on the Gods and their relationships to one another. For instance, he believes Loki is Odin's shadow-self....

    You are correct though, I have always felt drawn to Freya. It is only recently, in the last few months, that I have begun to really feel a closeness to Odin. He is becoming a central figure for me, though still not as much as Freya, the mother of Seidh magick.....

  3. I've heard that perspective before, about Loki being an aspect of Odin. Usually it's in conjunction with Odin being almost like a triple aspected god, with Odin, Tir and Loki all rolled up together. It's definitely an interesting perspective.

  4. Interesting indeed... I have never heard the bit about Tyr being the third aspect. To be honest, I don't really care for that. I really like Tyr and have worked with him before. I see him as King Solomon is portrayed in the bible - the Ultimate in Justice. He really feels different/separate from Odin to me, though they may share aspects.

    As for the Loki idea, I am considering it..... Not entirely sure what I think of it, but they do share some interesting traits. What do you think of these theories?

  5. I think most of it has to do with someone's own inclination. If you come at it from a Universal point of view then yes it makes a lot of sense. But your average heathen probably won't go for it! hahaha

    Personally I haven't delved nearly deep enough to say with any surety either way. But for now I'm keeping them separate. It's easier for me to take things one at a time before I start combining (this is also why I come at the Runes the way I do, I'm not nearly ready for binds yet).

    I realize that statement is contradictory to what I mused about regarding Freya/Freyr the other week when we were having tea. (About them being a hermaphroditic dual deity) But to me that symbolism is blatantly obvious, whereas right now it feels like a stretch to get Loki and Odin in the same body.
