Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I Was Born Electric!

Ya know how there are some things that happen to you that in hind sight you can see all the pieces of that particular puzzle, and you are like, "Duh!"  Well, there is a particular puzzle that I have been attempting to put together, and have only recently been able to understand the picture.

Since I was a child, I have had "energy issues." I made a full on post about this here. In addition to the findings that I discussed here (i.e, SlIders and Indigo children), I believe I may have new information about my own case.

Last night, I walked by the refrigerator, and reached up to grab something on top of it.  I lightly brushed against it, only to be shocked horribly by it. This was not just a simple shock, but enough to actually hurt for about 10 minutes!  Distraught at this horrible occurrence, I asked my SO to "test" it. He touched all over the dang thing, and no reaction!  Baffling....

Mulling this incident over in my mind, I remember that there are multiple items that seem to shock me, but have never shocked another person, to my knowledge.  My washing machine is one culprit.  Another is a friend's blender that seemed to vibrate with electrical current.  I told him to toss it because it was dangerous, but being the cheap bastard he is, he decided to just be careful with it.  He later informed me that I "must be crazy, that thing never shocked me!"

One might wonder if this is akin to static electricity, in effect.  I did consider this.  However, I have never really had much issue with that.  People I know complain about having too much static electricity, and not being able to touch such things as car doors.  This has never been a problem for me. 

Taking this into account, and all the previous information, I have formulated a theory.  Perhaps people like myself have a way of conducting electricity.  Either that, or we are able to draw electricity from such appliances.  What are the possibilities I haven't considered?  Could this be my Super Hero Secret Super Power?  You can call me Lady Electric!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

What's Goin' On? What's Goin' On....

Last night was the night that Our Coven met to celebrate Yule, or Winter Solstice.  In the chaos of the holidays, we were unable to plan our ritual.  We considered just 'winging' it, but it proved to be better that we didn't, what with kids and chores and such.  We did, however, get to enjoy each others' company, a treat we had not indulged in for close to two months.  One of us has been absent each time we have met recently.......

It was great to have very personal and insightful conversations again.  There are those few people in one's life that you feel you can open up and share anything with, my Covenmates are that for me. We exchanged stories of our happenings, as well as exchanging the most carefully thought out gifts.  It was truly a blessing to spend time with these extraordinary women.  Winter has come, a time for drawing deeper in, and I and my dear friends are ready to support one another in that.  I am blessed.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Odin - All Father

I have worked with Freyja for a long time. I was initially drawn to the Norse pantheon when I began my witchery almost 20 years ago.  Though I was drawn to the Norse, I was perhaps a bit hesitant to work with Odin. It is apparent that he is not a god to be taken lightly.  In the mythology, it is plain that he always gets what he wants, and is willing to go to any lengths to make that statement correct.  Perhaps I was intimidated by him, I cannot say for sure.

Anyway, as I have dedicated myself to the Norse for a year and a day, I have not taken this on lightly.  I have jumped in and am fully immersed in Nordic magick study and practice.  This means that I have begun working with Odin himself.

Odin is a powerful god, and I am glad that I waited to really work with him.  I feel that only now am I at the proper place to truly know him.  Each time I have evoked him I have felt his power throughout my body. Most recently, I asked of him a gift. 

According to Nordic tradition, a gift must never go unreciprocated. I asked Odin's assistance in a working, and in return, I promised a gift to him.  As part of my working, I made a particular bind rune to symbolize the request and desired effect.  My end of the bargain was yesterday, unfulfilled.  During this interim, the wood round onto which I burnt the runes began bowing in upon itself. I didn't really think much of it at the time.  I blamed it on humidity.  However, I began to fulfill on my end of the bargain today, and now the round is flat again.

Coincidence?  I think not....

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Wolfen Spirit Warrior

Today I went to a magickally inclined shop. While there I received an overload of energy.  I am not certain if the amount of energy that I took in was way too much, or if it was just not all good energy.  For most of the day I felt high and slowly began feeling achy all over.  My kidneys especially began hurting.  None of it really made much sense to me, but I felt the need to lay down.

Expecting to relax, I just laid down for a moment and was immediately drawn into a deep trance or vision. I was laying down beside my daughter as she played, but her presence was not noticed by me during this time.  Snow Dragon Lady came to me, she spoke to me directly for the first time. Her words were exactly this: "You have been shapeshifting for longer than you remember.  Then she started introducing several people to me.  I don't recall all of their names, but the last one Wolfen Spirit Warrior.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dormant, but Still Living

Last night, I had a dream.  This occurrence is common of most of my nights, but I find last night's dream to be very significant.  It truly speaks to me....

Last night I entered the same cave that I wrote about just a short while back, the one with celestite walls.  This time I entered as my human self.  I walked into the cave, stirring up all sorts of living beings as I moved.  Once I walked far enough, the Ibis was there.  I stood and watched her for a while, before venturing on.

As I walked, the cave went from relatively dark to light, with the light filtering beautifully through the celestite, casting a pale blue color throughout the cave.  I walked up to the water that trickled across the floor of the cave and lifted handfuls to my mouth and sipped the cool, refreshing water.

I looked up to see a large tree before me.  The tree was not dead, but was definitely in a mode of dormancy.  I kept looking at the tree, wishing it would bloom, and be vibrant.... but here is where it gets tricky.  I am a very lucid dreamer, and I am unsure how much of the last parts I "influenced," and how much I actually let play out.....

I began looking at the tree, and saw a few small buds on the branches.  Then it became a tree full of life, color, and fruit - something akin to a peach.  I climbed the tree to get at the fruit.  As I tasted it, it was so juicy and sweet.  I savored a few bites, then looked around to realize *I* had become the tree.

Would you believe, I know what this all means?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Hail Odin!

There are blossoms on the "tree" I planted a few days ago during the full moon. My sister, Corvidae, and I did a working that concerned our own creativity.  It was definitely a working of great value to both of us.

It has been a couple of days since we did the ritual, and I have only just sat down in a space where I could relax and "listen."  Well, that is not entirely true, I have spent the weekend doing some very deep, personal growth work.  That was where my concentration was focused.  However, now I am sitting at my computer, able to take in other matters.

While sitting today, a spirit made its presence known beside me.  She carried with her a message.  I was told to put aside my material concerns, and to look deeper into matters of a spiritual nature.  That is where my attentions should be focused.  In addition, I would be receiving assistance from an unexpected source, as well as from my ancestors/guides......


Truly enjoying this very exciting life I live.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Daily Readings...

Each day I do a Rune and Tarot card meditation.  I pull one card to discern the environment of the day, what I should focus on; I also pull one rune for this.  Today I decided to pull three cards and two runes.  Why? Because it felt right. 

Cards of the day: 
  1. To signify Me, I pulled Six of Wands
  2. To signify the Environment, I pulled Ten of Pentacles
  3. To further qualify the second card, I pulled the King of Pentacles
In light of recent events, this is a very hopeful reading.  I have been seeing this come into being, and I am thankful...

For the Runes:
  1. Ansuz
  2. Othala
This is extremely interesting in light of yesterday's meditation, and last night's dream.  

In Dreams I Walk with You.....

Last night I dreamt that I was looking out from the eyes of a dragon, I was the dragon. My home was a cave whose walls were lined with celestite, and beside me stood an Ibis.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Gifts Handed Down

Meditation for me lately has been super powerful.  My coven sister, Corvidae, led a rune meditation on Saturday.  This was on both the runes Uruz and Fehu (see Paxson's book Taking Up the Runes).  In the middle of the meditation, you are told to take a look at the things that are holding you back from gaining prosperity.  What I saw when I looked at this was a woman, who very much resembled my mother, handing a child (that definitely was not me) a gift.  At that point, I was terribly confused.  As I had done a ritual for prosperity the day before, I felt that prosperity must already given to me, and that there were no obstacles standing in my way.

I got home that afternoon from Miss Corvidae's house and decided to pick a rune from my set, at random.  Of course you can guess which rune it was that I chose. That's right - Gebo, meaning Gift.  I began to think that there might be more to this vision that what initially came to mind.  Still unsure, I decided to sit on the information for a couple of days.

This morning, I sat down in my darkened room and decided to meditate.  I wanted to journey with my spirit guides. I had no set purpose for this meditation, only to learn and see.  When I got to one of my sacred spaces, I was sitting in the middle of my grassy field near my favorite weeping willow.  Beside me was one of my totems, a frog.  I looked at him and wondered what he was doing there, what he might have to teach me.  At that moment he went off and plunged into the water.  Not hesitating, I did that same.  I swam over to the waterfall that is just up the stream, luxuriating in the feel of the water.

I enjoyed the space for a time, then Sitting Eagle came and visited me.  As I got out of the water, he gave me dry garments to wear. (It always amuses me that my guides dress me in animals skins, give me fur robes, etc. because being a strict vegetarian, it is not clothing I would choose for myself.)  He then began walking with me. 

I asked my guide to tell me what was going on in my meditation, what did "gift" mean to my prosperity.  He told me that I needed to use my gifts, gifts that had been handed down for generations.  "What gifts are those?" I asked.  He did not answer me but told me to count my prosperity and riches in more than the material world.  I then told him that I was doing that, or trying to, and that I was doing my best to follow my spiritual path and grow in wisdom. I then asked if I was on the right track.  His response was not a no, but he didn't say 'yes' either.......

So, now I am left to figure out what gifts I have been suppressing and ignoring that have been handed down for generations......

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Dragon is Waking

I have never studied draconian magick before.  Oh, well, of course there was that one time..... but I had never really studied it before.  However, as my dreams have recently been telling me that this is the time for doing so, I have begun in earnest.

Recently I ran across a book about Norse Draconian Magick.  I was terribly excited by this, as it falls in line with my current studies and dedication to the Norse Gods.  Having only gotten about 1/3 of the way through the studies, you can take my criticisms as you will, but I am not certain that I completely jive with this fellow's ideas.  He is definitely very educated on the subject, but he is a dude, writing from that perspective.  We women approach the world and the creatures within it in an entirely different manner.

The author of the book identifies two primary Norse deities that are associated with this form of magick.  They are Odin and Freya.  Having worked very closely with Freya, and really feeling tied to her in particular, I feel that my understanding of her is different than his.  I do not attribute that to error, but more just the difference between male and female understanding, approach, etc.

I have not given up on this book; it is chock full of useful and well thought out information.  The author is definitely well practiced also.  I will continue to follow this path, but I shall trust my own intuition and look to my teacher, Freya, to fill in where I see blanks.